
Custom. Effective. Strategic.

Gregor Moniuszko PhD – Acclaimed Author & Scientist

If you failed by copying simple, proven and detailed methods from books and courses you bought – meet Gregor Moniuszko. Usually, non-fiction books and courses describe general vision or detailed tips. But, what readers need (and what Gregor provides) is the balanced mix of strategy and tactics with instruction how to individualize them.

Personalized solution is superior to even the best generic answer. Therefore, Gregor helps people building effective custom-tailored strategies to achieve what they truly want and need. Such a unique, individualized approach eliminates the risk of failure and ensures victory.

What further separates Gregor from other authors is his respect for laziness and understanding of science (aka PhD). He has also rare ability to share fresh and obvious ideas to multiply the positive outcome. Fresh, because they’re overlooked; obvious, as instantly after reading, you deeply know they must be true.

In non-writer life, Gregor is a scientist, husband, father of two and a marathoner.

If you want to get in touch with Gregor, the easiest way is to sign up and reply to one of e-mails that he sends whenever releases a new title or has something valuable to share. Sign up for the free VIP newsletter below.

Want More Personal Bio? Here You Go.

Hi there. I’m Gregor.

I live in Poland with my gorgeous wife and two children. I am also an author and a marathoner. I love reading, thinking and learning new things. Therefore, it isn’t surprising that I have spent most of my professional career as a scientist.

However, now I consider myself mainly as a writer. After reading over 600 books, I’ve decided to become an author and pursue my second big dream of childhood (right behind becoming scientist and inventor).

Though, the direct trigger to change my career was personal. My son has been diagnosed with autism. While science jobs are flexible, publishing books is superior to them. Besides, I still do similar stuff.

As a scientist, I was conducting research and writing articles to fill the gaps in human knowledge and in scientific literature. Now, I still write to share what I’ve learnt and to fill the gaps in the current literature. Not so much of a change 😉

However, previously I have been forced to utilize dry approach and difficult terminology. Now, I can write in more personal style. Not to mention that I can freely chose much broader topics to explore. As a result, I can reach more people and create bigger change. I have to admit that it’s quite refreshing experience, which I love.

I write mainly for people who failed by copying simple, proven and detailed methods from available books and courses. Usually, non-fiction books describe general vision or detailed tips. But, what readers need (and what I provide) is the balanced mix of strategy and tactics with instruction how to individualize them.

Personalized solution is superior to even the best generic answer. Therefore, I help people building effective custom-tailored strategies to achieve what they truly want and need. Such a unique, individualized approach eliminates the risk of failure and ensures victory.

I also write to share new ideas. I have the rare ability to share fresh and obvious ideas. Fresh, because they’re overlooked; obvious, as instantly after reading, you deeply know they must be true.
I know that many writers say that there’s nothing new under the sun. It’s a bullshit. Every single day, scientists create new hypotheses. Some of them could be successfully verified. Miniscule fraction could be even patented. I know this from the first person perspective, as I am the co-author of several scientific publications and a patent.

As you could see in the above paragraph, I never repeat what others say without checking it out (like plenty of other authors out there). I believe that such a honest approach is more interesting to readers. If that resonates with you, feel free to check out my books.

To get an email whenever I release a new title or have something valuable to share, sign up for the free VIP newsletter below. If you want to get in touch, the easiest way is to sign up and reply to one of e-mails. I am extremely lazy so there’s no other viable way to contact me.